Our Top 3 Ice Coffee Picks For The Summer


Summer is here and that means with the warmer weather you’re bound to want to quench your thirst whilst out and about. Forget the larger coffee chains skinny Frappuccino, this Summer is all about supporting your local coffee roasters and keeping the indie chains alive. So, without further ado let’s run through our top 3 picks coffee choices that will ensure you try something a bit different and quench your thirst.

#1 Nitro Cold Brew

Any good local coffee roaster and independent café worth its salt will be offering nitro cold brews on its menu. It applies the same scientific principle use in pouring pints of Guinness. Essentially, cold brew coffee is nitrogenized through kegs and gas lines. More recently, however, new systems have come onto that market which does away with the need of separate tanks for nitrogenizations. One such example is the Bombora nitro brew system as blogged about by Seven Miles in their nitro brew coffee article.

#2 Cold Brew

Cold water poured over coffee you say? Madness you say? Not really, this is a great Summer heat alleviating drink and is guaranteed to keep you cool on those Summer scorching days. Cold brew coffee has become all the rage these days and you won’t be hard pressed to find a decent cold brew coffee in major cities around the world. Many of the larger chains have also released their own cold brew coffee and sold to supermarkets, so there’s always that option available if you can’t find it on the menu at your local café. Look out for coffee filter roasted naturals for the best cold brews!

#3 Iced Latte

Perhaps this one is a more obvious Summer coffee drink choice, but you’ll be surprised how it’s often overlooked. The iced latte is the perfect Summer thirst quencher and these days there are lots of variations on the iced latte from adding different spices through to fruits in the drink. Many of the larger chains have opted to add whipped cream, chocolate flakes or spices to the iced latte, but we always advocate keeping it simple and without all the bells and whistles. Adding ice to the latte is enough in our view to still savor the coffee.

This Summer is sure to support your local coffee roaster and always seek out what they recommend. Your local barista will be a wealth of knowledge and experience, and most importantly be able to serve you up a coffee to quench your thirst on a hot day!