What Makes the Preference Towards the Canned Fish Absolute?


Canning is a method of conservation. It is named as “appertisation” and invented in 1795 by Nicolas Appert. This process involves sterilizing products protected from the air in a sealed container. The appertisation makes it possible to preserve any type of food and over a long duration to very long. For example, you can eat tomatoes or apricots all year round. In return, the colors, taste and nutritional properties of foods are partly distorted.

The shelf life

Canned meat, fish, fruit and vegetables can be stored for several months or years. Depending on the food, there is a loss of vitamins and minerals. This is due to the consequences of heat treatment that denatures specific molecules. Couscous, cassoulets, ravioli and other cooked dishes are to be used as a last resort. Their salt and fat content is very high, and their taste alternates with homemade dishes. Now let us talk about the Canned Fish.

Canned fish

Sardines, tuna, mackerel or canned salmon can provide good protein for your meals at a lower cost. However, it is best to avoid oil-rich preparations. Canned pulses (chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils) are practical because they are foods requiring more than 20 to 30 minutes of cooking.

Canned vegetables

Some canned vegetables have high salt levels or even added sugar. So be careful with the list of ingredients. In general, opt for vegetables cooked in the natural rather than cooked vegetables. Canned fruits provide a quick dessert. However, beware of the addition of sugar and especially the name “light syrup” that does not guarantee any reduction in sugar.

The compotes

Avoid taking compote with additives (other than vitamin C: ascorbic acid) from the list of ingredients as well as the famous glucose-fructose syrup. If you often eat fish, you are certainly aware that it can be very expensive! This is especially true for fresh fish brought in a fish shop. Have you ever considered the benefits of canned fish? One of these benefits is that you can buy fish during a promotion and then keep it for several months. Canned fish is good for a long time, so you do not have to buy it regularly. And whoever thinks that canned fish is less tasty is all wrong!

Canned fish less healthy?

Many people think that canned fish is less healthy than fresh fish. It is far from being the case! Canned fish is often of excellent quality. In 70{b5ce6c21b8d35e18b06b15afce00261d37d23248a31df900c1450197c0c944a7} of cases, the fish is kept in its own juice and is simply canned with a pinch of salt. Usually, no preservatives or flavoring agents are used, ensuring the preservation of the original taste of canned fish. Canned fish contains various important nutrients that support the proper functioning of the human body. Think, for example, about essential proteins, phosphorus, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. A study from an American university (Harvard Medical School) reveals that fish species-rich in omega-3 fatty acids prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease. Examples of fish that contain a lot of healthy fatty acids include salmon and mackerel.


Canned fish can be considered an important food, essential for a complete and light diet. Besides, canned tuna does not contain connective tissue, which makes it very digestible. Cooking with canned fish is another way to incorporate fish more often into the menu of the week. It is now recommended to eat fish once or twice a week, to maximize the action of the essential nutrients contained in the fish.