All Authentic Italian Restaurants InCoral Gables Will Use A Lot Of Garlic


The signature ingredient of Italian food is garlic and therefore the characteristic feature to look for and choose the most authentic Italian restaurants in Coral Gables is to know about the ingredients they use in their dishes. All authentic Italian dishes will have two basic ingredients among a host of others. These are garlic and tomatoes. Apart from that, all Italian food is essentially made from fresh ingredients. This reveals the authentic taste and flavor of Italy. An authentic Italian restaurant will use garlic in many different ways but will make sure that the taste, flavor, health benefits and freshness of are it retained.

Freshness and smell

All Italian restaurants will rely on two basic things in their food to make them unique and authentic. These are freshness and smell. Both these characteristics are provided by the use of garlic in the recipe and a lot of it. Therefore, when you visit an authentic Italian restaurant, look for these aspects. However, you do not have to worry about your breath smelling garlic as it is another sign of an Italian restaurant to eliminate such unwanted smell in a breath. This is done by using garlic that is freshly ground and not refrigerated.

Way to use garlic

Italians think that refrigerated or dry garlic will kill the freshness and taste of the food. If there is a lot of air in the garlic then it will not bring out the true taste of the food. That is why chefs in an Italian restaurant will never store garlic in a fridge or in a dry place. Authentic Italian restaurants will also not use processed or minced garlic as that will also have lots of air in it. They will use only clean, fresh and large bulbs and with the skin essentially but after removing the additional sprouts.